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Native Americans have been using the sacred tradition of smudging for centuries.  It is used to clear energies in a space.  It's a nice practice, very sacred to our native brothers and sisters and many Americans do it now.  It's all about the intention and respect.  Perhaps you can't burn sage in your apartment or are senstive to smoke.... try this lovely spray for the same results, it's almost as fun to use as burning actual sage leaves would be.  We use it in the store all the time!
Distilled water, sage essential oil, 4oz $6.5
Sage Smudge Spray

Size: 4oz

Type: Spray

Item #: 48869

Availability: In stock


Native Americans have been using the sacred tradition of smudging for centuries. It is used to clear energies in a space. It's a nice practice, very sacred to our native brothers and sisters and many Americans do it now. It's all about the intention and respect. Perhaps you can't burn sage in your apartment or are senstive to smoke.... try this lovely spray for the same results, it's almost as fun to use as burning actual sage leaves would be. We use it in the store all the time!
Distilled water, sage essential oil, 4oz $6.5